Our engagement

The RRF is an international acting company. Nevertheless we are still bonded with our local roots and like to prove social engagement. We support charitable facilities, local youth and amateur sports as well as community and youth facilities.

Furnace construction in Nepal and Africa

In this year’s Christmas campaign, we as RRF are happy to support the project “Die Ofenmacher e.V.”.

“Die Ofenmacher e.V.” deals with the construction of stoves in Nepal and Africa, because many of the people living there still bake, cook and do other work over an open fire. This often leads to severe burns and injuries. In addition, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and CO2 emissions from open fireplaces are very high. This leads to respiratory diseases and eye irritation and even blindness in many people. These often occur even at a young age, since babies and children are close to their mothers during cooking. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists cooking on an open fire as the fifth leading cause of death. It is thus ahead of malaria and tuberculosis in developing countries. “Die Ofenmacher e.V.” teaches stove builders how to make a stove from the simplest materials, which can also be easily assembled, repaired and maintained. A stove costs just between €11 and €15 to buy. In addition, all health hazards, CO2 emissions and wood consumption are significantly reduced by these simple stoves.

“Die Ofenmacher e.V.” shows the local people how to build a clay oven with which you can cook and bake safely. At the end of the apprenticeship, these people are trained oven builders. This creates new jobs and enables many people to have their own source of income.

We think that this project is very worth supporting and it also reflects our company orientation and philosophy very well. That’s why we’re supporting the project this year with a donation of €1,000. We are pleased that we are thus enabling many people to have a new, safe stove and thus have more quality of life and security.

Donation-Link: Simple clay ovens for Nepal-Kenya-Ethiopia – Die Ofenmacher e.V. – betterplace.org

Donation Account:

Die Ofenmacher e.V.

Deutsche Skatbank

IBAN: DE88 8306 5408 0004 0117 40


RRF become a Newspaper partner!

We are excited to announce our newspaper partnership and are happy to contribute the education at the Don-Bosco-Gymnasium in Essen!

Media literacy is much more important than it ever was. Supposed facts are shared very quickly on social media without any proof of veracity. We think because of that it is very important that kids learn how to handle these alleged facts and proof them on their own very early in their life. They should learn how to get information from many sources and get out of their own ‘’bubble’’. Even with the internet becoming your daily messenger, the newspaper did never lose its meaning and is still a useful tool to learn how to handle public information. In the newspaper ‘’WAZ’’ the articles are well researched and combine factual reports of regional and world politics in one journal. More value in the news itself less ‘’clickbaiting’’.

We hope that with the help of our Partnership more younger people can become the new “Sherlocks of Fake News’’ and are able to handle the “Breaking News” of Social-Media correctly.

Become a newspaper partner: Deutschlands größte Regionalzeitung – waz.de

Children and Youth hospice Balthasar in Olpe

The Children and Youth hospice is offering to eight critically ill children and their families a place of retreat. The short time that remains the children in their young lives should be filled with joy, laughter and happiness. They live along the lines of:

“We can’t add days to life, but we can add life to days.” (Cicely Saunders)

Go to the website of the Children and Youth hospice Balthasar →

Road Patrol of Oberhausen


Reflective vests for Kindergarteners of Oberhausen

The RRF supports the initiative of the road patrol of Oberhausen to equip the Kindergartener and pre-schoolers with reflective vests.

kind_warnwesteIn this context the RRF donates 25 reflective vests to Kindergarteners of the city.

Especially in the coming up autumn and winter the children on there future way to school should be seen much better by the eye of every traffic participant. 25 boys and girls received a radiant coloured reflective vest.

The garment equipped with reflectors on the front, back and sides will let the way to kindergarten and school safer.

Go to the website of the road patrol of Oberhausen →

Mannschaftsfoto SC DrolshagenSC Drolshagen e.V.

The SC Drolshagen is one of the member-strongest clubs in the whole district of Olpe with by now 50 years of club history. It provides sport offers in the fields of football and skiing. Altogether the SCD can currently show off 15 football teams for boys and girls of every age groups.

Go to the website of SC Drolshagen e.V. →

E-Jugend DJKDJK Adler Union Essen-Frintrop e.V.

Since 1st of July 2014 the two Clubs Union Frintrop and DJK Adler Frintrop merge to one big Club named DJK Adler Union Essen-Frintrop e.V.

The Club offers competitive and amateur sports for boys and girls in the fields of football, basketball, tennis, table tennis and gymnastics. Primarily the club is well known by its football team (German runner-up 1931) and its basketball team (2. Basketball-Bundesliga 1991/92). The RRF supports particularly the youth teams of the with 39 teams very big football department (Status: 16.04.2015).

Go to the website of DJK Adler Union Essen-Frintrop e.V. →

DJK Adler Union Essen-Frintrop e. V. got a defibrillator

adlerunionThe RRF participates on the purchase of a defibrillator for the DJK Adler Union Essen-Frintrop e. V. on the sports facility “Frintroper Wasserturm”.

World wide 84 pro footballers died during the last 5 years by the sudden cardiac death on the football pitch.

A first step to reduce this number is the enlightenment. Because of that recently they are advanced educations to raise the participants awareness for this topic and teach them how to act in emergency. Additional a practical instruction on the defibrillator ensued. So the participants become – on one hand helper and on the other hand multiplicator to share the knowledge in the club – important persons in the fight against the sudden cardiac death.

The team of RRF is happy to support that the purchase in such a big club is an important step to minimize the risk and helps the athletes to feel more comfortable and safe on the football pitch.

Girls Club of ”St. Dionysius“ Essen-Borbeck

The Girls Club Borbeck provides girls from the age of primary school until 14 years twice a week a place of retreat. Around the concerns and interests of the girls it´s possible to fill out their free time with offers to a variety of topics or just find a place to hang out.

Go to the website of the Girls Club of ”St. Dionysius“ →

Youth activities of the parishes St. Hermann Josef and St. Paulus in Essen

The heads of the community youth and altar servers composed of 15 engaged adolescents aged 16-26 years always plan diverse acitivities for children and teenager of every age. This includes regular parties, brunches and dinners, a waffle taxi, open game clubs for 4-10th and youth activities for example to France or Denmark. The RRF likes to support this engaged youth work with kind and cash donations and also provides for example a transporter for the youth activities.

Ferienfreizeit 2006 in Dänemark