Participation in the expert workshops and expert discussions on the topics of the environmental label “Blauer Engel” and evaluation of the 1. BImSchV
Due to our competence, we are regularly invited to expert rounds.
We are glad to take this responsible part to actively participate in the legislation, climate protection and the future of the industry.
1. BImSchV
In the second expert discussion, on 12 September 2019 in Berlin, regarding the evaluation of the 1. BImSchV, the preliminary final report of the DBFZ (Deutsches Biomasse Forschungszentrum) was presented and discussed.
Christian Droll actively participated in the discussion.
The amendment of the 1. BImSchV 2010 revised the regulations for solid fuel appliances and was complemented with new requirements. On one hand, the emission limits for new appliances were significantly tightened and, on the other hand, for the first time, new limits were established for existing appliances in the retail sector – with transitional periods – connected with retrofitting or shut down responsibilities.
Eight years later, the question now arises as to whether the amendment to the 1. BImSchV actually achieves the hoped-for and also assumed in individual studies on future emission trends and whether there is still room for improvement if necessary.
The final report should answer this question and provide a basis for discussion for a renewed amendment of the 1. BImSchV.
In further expert rounds we will accompany the revision of the amendment.
Blauer Engel
Since the beginning of the expert discussions on the environmental label “Blauer Engel”, the RRF participated in the relevant meetings. We will include the test program in our portfolio and are already offering preliminary tests on the current version of the “Blauer Engel” criteria.
The criteria of the “Blauer Engel” was lastly discussed at the second Environmental Label Hearing “Kaminöfen” (DE-UZ xxx) on 18./19.09.2019 in Berlin at the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt). Representing the RRF, Christian Droll participated and integrated our position into the meeting. On 11 and 12 December 2019 the the “Blauer Engel” will be presented to the jury “Umweltzeichen”. Until the 22 November comments can be send to the RAL non-profit GmbH, which will be awarding the label.
The final result of the decision will be made by the jury in December and the label will be introduced from the 01 January 2020 on out. The awarding criteria can be requested at or
Future Workshop
In addition, in June 2019, the first Future Workshop for the fireplaces and chimney industry took place at the Umweltforschungszentrum (UFZ) in Leipzig, in close proximity to the Deutschen Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ). The Europäische Feuerstätten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA), the Zentralverband Sanitär, Heizung, Klima (ZVSHK) und der Fachverband Schornsteintechnik invited to this event. Over two days, the innovative workshop concept identified the industry’s current challenges and planned future steps. What was special: Not only the industry was involved, also representatives of other interested parties and politics came to Leipzig.
On 15 – 16 January, the Future Workshop will be continued at the Agritechnical in Hanover, in order to substantiate the results of the first workshop.