EFA – autumnal event in Salzburg

Twice a year the members of EFA find together to a general meeting. This year the autumnal event took place in Salzburg. The participants looked forward for an interesting program.

Speakers at the first day were:

  • Johannes Kaindlstorfer, representative for „Allianz Freie Wärme“ (Lecture: Dangers and chances of individual heating)
  • Johannes Steiglechner of TÜV Süd (Lecture: EU Nr. 305/2011, hamonized standards as well as notified testing laboratories in the context to fireplaces in Europe)
  • Thomas Sommeregger of agency elements.at New Media Solutions GmbH (Lecture: The digital consumer, his status quo and trends of the industry in online-marketing)

The main topic of the second day was the general meeting:

  • Welcome the new member of EFA e. V. – Dracholin GmbH from Metzingen
  • Discussion of usual agenda
  • diverse reports about European guidelines and standards
    • for example CEO Dr. Heinrich Göddeke (Lecture: latest stand to standards TC 295 of roomsealed fireplaces, LOT 15 and 20, EU Nr. 305/2011, hight of chimneys above the roof)


The next general meeting is spring 2015 in wider area of Würzburg on March of 18 and 19.