EFA – The woodstove branch meets together with the RRF to exchange and look into the future in Salzburg

From 13.10. to 14.10.2022 the autumn conference was held in Salzburg, Austria by the European Fireplaces Association (EFA).

The RRF was represented by Mr. Christian Droll. As a member of the board of the EFA he took part of the earlier board-meeting at 12th of October.

At this symposium the current challenges were targeted. The EFA CEO Mr. Uwe Striegler opened the fully occupied conference. This time not only members participated, representatives of other associations, companies and research facilities.

Thomas Schnabel (HKI) began with the presentation of innovative heat combinations, within not only the HKI sees a sensible input to the energy shift in Germany. About the “draining condition” §19 der Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung BImSchV informed Markus Schlichter from the ZIV. He showed us in his presentation that the impact is not as bad as expected. But there is still room to improve for some. He again said that only with the concentrated cooperation of the associations something much worse could be prevented. After that Dr. Volker Schmatloch form the company Spartherm informed everyone about the Eco-Design Regulation EN16510. He drew attention to the fact that politics and technical expertise must go hand in hand here so that the industries can prepare for this.

Prof. Dr. Ingo Hartmann from DBFZ told us about the project UVV. Research is being done here to sensors and clean combustion. He pointed out that only innovations will add an important input to the heating market. But also, it will take a supporting role. After that he invited everyone to the industry summit at 17th of November till 18th of November at the DBFZ in Leipzig. On this day a strategy offer is made from past workshops on the industry, politics and environmental organizations. The RRF will also attend at this appointment.

In closing a donation check over 5.500 € was handed to the association “Die Ofenmacher e.V.”. Their project is to support the building of new clay oven in Nepal and Africa so that the people who live there will be protected from the danger of cooking at an open fireplace. We from the RRF plan to donate to them in the future as well.

Friday, October 14th the general meeting took place at which internal topics were discussed. The Association’s year was prepared and the most important topics of the year were pointed out.