Workshop of the Federal Environment Agency

The projects of the Federal Environment Agency (GER: UBA) are future-oriented and offer space for interesting and open discussions. On 07.12.2020, the technical heads of the RRF were invited as experts to the web meeting about the influence of condensates on particle concentration. Mr. Müller and Mr. Droll were able to contribute their knowledge and ideas to this workshop.

We are already looking forward to the next important and interesting discussion rounds in cooperation with the UBA.

EFA member meeting

Our work in associations will not be stopped by the corona pandemic. With the help of Zoom, Skype, Teams and Co, we will continue to take part in all important association conferences for you.

On 16.11.2020 Mr. Christian Droll participated in the member meeting for the Europäischen Feuerstätten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA) for the RRF, at which all important internal association issues could be clarified. The board work is not resting either. In parallel to the general assembly, Mr. Droll also works on the board of directors at regular planning meetings and, together with the management as a research and science advisory board, is in constant contact with the relevant research groups and institutes.

HKI member meeting

Due to the current restrictions and for the safety of its members, the HKI meeting was offered online this time. Mr. Dennis Droll took part in the HKI member meeting in May.

Important topics such as the harmonization of EN 16510, discharge conditions and the environmental label “Blauer Engel” were discussed.

Project processing and handling of the current Corona Virus – Available testing capacities

At first, we would like to inform you that we are still available for you in with the usual quality and service, even in this difficult phase.

Due to the situation, affected customers have cancelled current projects. Therefore, free test capacities are available. If you have urgent projects due to bottlenecks or closings of other laboratories, please feel free to contact your contact person from us or by using the contact details below.

COVID-19 currently provides many questions and is an issue everywhere, so we would like to provide feedback on the current process of our company.

We are working in project related teams, have separated workplaces, hold meetings via video conference and use the home office to protects the health of our employees. We have also implemented increased cleaning and hygiene measures.

Please understand that, in this situation, we cannot carry out any external audits or undertake business trips. Furthermore, customers visits are only possible with prior notification; deliveries must be scheduled in advance. Here we adhere to strict distancing rules.

Contact info for urgent tests:

Tel: 0208 6070410

2nd Future Workshop in Leipzig

On 15. And 16.01.2020, the workshop on the topic of particles again took place in the Deutschen Biomasse Forschungszentrum (DBFZ) in Leipzig. Like in the last meeting, it was organized by the Europäische Feuerstätten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA), the Zentralverband Sanitär, Heizung, Klima (ZVSHK) and the Association Schornsteintechnik.

Falling particulate matter levels, challenging standards and growing awareness in the industry contrasts with a massive negative image of heat generated with wood. This situation is not only unsatisfactory for industry and politics, but those who suffer, are those who should have profited in the end: the people in Germany.

For this reason, the invited experts, including our CEO Mr. Christian Droll, dealt with the topics of particles and heat from the renewable raw material wood.

Future-oriented roadmaps for our society’s climate goals were developed. The goal of this workshop is to develop a joint cross-sector research proposal for efficient and market-oriented emission reduction.

The RRF is happy about the visit of the ZIV

The technical committee of the ZIV (Bundesverband des Schornsteinhandwerks – Zentralinnungsverband) visited our laboratory for fireplaces and exhaust systems in Drolshagen.

After the arrival of the participants, there was a detailed discussion on the current status of the standards for fireplaces for example the new head standard DIN EN 16510-1 Residential solid fuel burning appliances – Part 1: General requirements and test methods as a replacement for e.g. DIN EN 13240  roomheaters for solid fuels and DIN EN 14785 roomheaters for burning of wood pellets. In the discussion, the points of intersection and differences between measurements on the test bench according to the product standards and operations in practice were also addressed.

When inspecting the test benches, our CEOs Dennis and Christian Droll explained the standard-compliant procedure of tests and the requirements from the relevant test standards.

We thank the ZIV for the informative exchange and visit and look forwards to deepening the cooperation.

New technician in Oberhausen

Since 01.01.2020 we are happy about a newcomer in the RRF.

Mr. Chris Schäfersküpper reinforces our team as the second technician in our laboratory in Oberhausen. His knowledge of measurements and control technology as well as a chimney sweeper complements us with new points of view and experience.

We warmly welcome Chris!

Reinforcement in our laboratory in Drolshagen

In our laboratory in Drolshagen we are happy about reinforcement.

Mr. Heribert Bender supports our technicians in our laboratory in Drolshagen.

We look forward to his active support and warmly welcome Heribert.

The RRF talks about political issues in Berlin

The industry association Europäisches Feuerstatten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA) discusses mainly political topics at the autumn conference – The RRF participates in the exchange

The autumn conference of the Europäisches Feuerstatten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA) which took place from 24 to 25 October 2019 in Berlin, focused mainly on political branch work in the European core market Germany. In close proximity to the Chancellor’s office and the Bundestag, the most important European industry representatives joined besides the RRF to vote on the political positions.

Despite the tense situation, EFA-CEO Mr. Uwe Striegler sees an opportunity for the industry and craftsmanship to actively shape the future. “the amendment of the BImSchV, the introduction of the “Blauer Engel” and the discussion regarding the derivation conditions are just as much technical as well as political issues,” says Striegler.

The program of the meeting also became politically. Tino Sorge, member of the Bundestag, showed points of contact to the German federal politics. Dr. Johannes R. Gerstner, EFA-CEO, drew attention to the need for unity between all associations in Germany and offered the support from the EFA. Tim Froitzheim, ZVSHK, explained the current state of the particle and environmental discussion. Dirk Böhringer, technical manager of the EFA, offered a European perspective beyond the current German discussion. Prof. Dr. Michael Mäs from The University of Groningen (Netherlands) announced an EFA-supported research project on the public discussion of particular matters.

Christian Droll represented the RRF and introduced himself and his role as chairman of the Research and Science Advisory Board. In addition, the future members of the advisory board were presented and the members of the association will have the opportunity to participate.

The association EFA is growing – six new members have joined since March 2019 – and is an effective platform for representing industry interests and a way to voice the interests for fireplaces and chimneys.

Recruitment for the team

We are happy to welcome a familiar face to the RRF again.

After completing the half-year internship at the RRF and successfully completing her education, we welcome Mrs. Jacqueline Bojarski back to the team of the RRF.

At the same time, we also welcome Mr. Heribert Bender as support for our testing laboratory in Drolshagen.

We look forward to working with the two new team members.