The members of EFA met up from 18.-19.03.2015 to another appointment in spring. The arranged meeting place was Eibelstadt (Würzburg). Both days were full of information. The first day were used as usual for interesting presentations. The annual general meeting was on the second day.
On the meeting on 18.03.2015 the audiance was informed in different speeches about specified themes:
- Sebastian Hopf, authority of higher market supervision for harmonized construction products, Bavaria
- The construct of public market supervision for harmonized construction products
- Declaration of Performance
- CE-marking
- Market supervision on example of EN 13240”
- Lecture: „Market supervision and Declaration of Performance (DoP)
- Dipl.-Ing. Christian Knab, Oberland Mangold GmbH
- Lecture: „Decrease of emission from biomass small-scale furnace”
- Johannes Gerstner, journalist/newspaper editor
- Lecture: „Designing of PR-texts/press release to be understandable for end-consumer
New elections of the executive board was the main topic of the annual general meeting on 19.03.2015.
Mr. Dietmar Kessler (Kessler Trade) layed down his office acting as a chairman because of personal reasons and also Mr. Hermann-Josef Görges (Schiedel AG) resigned from office acting as counselor on the board. His substitute is Mrs. Ursula Gröbler (Superfire Kamine Vertriebs Ges.m.b.H.).
Treasurer Mr. Horst Funda (Funda Abgastechnik), secretary Mr. Karlheinz Leuders (Kleining GmbH & Co. KG) and committee member Mr. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Leberger (TECHNO-PHYSIK Engineering GmbH) have been confirmed in they offices.
For new committee members Mrs. Michaela Waldecker (Joseph Raab GmbH & Cie KG) and Mr. Friedrich Anders (Westbo of Sweden AB) have been voted.
The next general meeting is in autumn 2015 on 10th and 11th September in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The occupational group conference will give again an interesting program of lectures – of course guests are warm welcome. The secretary of EFA e. V. will give all those interested more details – tel. +49 (0) 261 100 40 67 or