Important information of the prospective EN 16510
We would like to give you again the current information about the restructuring of series of standards of fireplaces by CENT/TC 295 to a new series of standards EN 16510 ” Residential solid fuel burning appliances”.
What is EN16510?
The EN 16510 part 1 together with part 2 will supersede EN 13240 for roomheater, EN 13229 for inset appliances, EN 12815 for cookers and EN 12809 for independent boilers. Besides there is also intended that the EN 16510 as well replace the EN 14785 for space heating appliances as well as the EN 15250 for slow heat release appliances.
The parts 1 as well as 2-1 until 2-4 and 2-6 of standard EN 16510 have to agree formally on European level right now.
The WG 7 is working on a preliminary version of part 2-5.
The WG 6 discussed the received comments of part 2-6. The preliminary version of FprEN 16510 Teil 2-6 has been bring to CMC for the formal agreement in May 2016. Furthermore the WG 6 are concerned with the new NWI (New Work Item) for pellet and beech log combo appliances.
The revision of these European Standards takes into account the comments received at their 5-year review. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and supports fundamental requirements of EU Directives.
The structure of EN 16510, Residential solid fuel burning appliances, is as follows:
— Part 1: General requirements and test methods
— Part 2-1: Roomheaters
— Part 2-2: Inset appliances including open fires
— Part 2-3: Cookers
— Part 2-4: Independent boilers — Nominal heat output up to 50 kW
— Part 2-5: Slow heat release appliances
— Part 2-6: Appliances fired by wood pellets
How is the current status of standardization?
At the moment the parts 1, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 and 2-6 are present as preliminary FprEN (final draft).
With release of part 1 of the standard as harmonized standard in Official Journal of the European Union the measurement methods of EN 16510 can be used. This will take place expectedly in March 2017. This part of standard cannot use for appraisal procedure of confirmation. The release of parts 2-1 till 2-4 and 2-6 as harmonized standard in Official Journal of the European Union is displaced for an indefinite period of time because of protest of Norway and Finland. Already now we prepare us and our testing laboratories for the official release.
Which consequences does the change of standards have?
The new series of standards differs in their parts in essential points of the former standards, so in many cases additional tests right up to new type tests are required. Anyway a review of the existing test report is necessary if this one and the underlay test also fulfill the requirements of EN 16510. Is this the case we expectedly can write a new test report according to EN 16510. Because there are also new requirements set on the test report.
We are strived our tests continually adapt to the requirements of the preliminary EN 16510. So current tests fulfill the requirements and can be rewritten. Also type tests during this year before taking effect of the series of standards expectedly can rewritten (to this date valid stand of standards will be considered).
What is the timing?
Like already mentioned above with release of part 1 of the standard as harmonized standard in Official Journal of the European Union the measurement methods of EN 16510 can be used. This will take place expectedly in March 2017. This part of standard cannot use for appraisal procedure of confirmation. The release of parts 2-1 till 2-4 and 2-6 as harmonized standard in Official Journal of the European Union is displaced for an indefinite period of time because of protest of Norway and Finland. Already now we prepare us and our testing laboratories for the official release.
For the series of standard EN 16510 the competent committee CEN/TC 295 has to apply the interim period of three years at the European Commission. Until the end of coexistence period it is possible to place on the market according to the existing hENs (for example EN 13240). After expiration of the coexistence period the fireplaces need a valid type test according to hEN 16510.
Is your test report ready for EN 16510?