“We need to move closer together”

From 24 to 25 October, the autumn conference of the EFA took place in Würzburg under the motto ‘Future’. The RRF took part on behalf of our managing directors Christian and Dennis Droll. Christian Droll gave a presentation on the topic of EN 16510 at the conference.

The Chairman of the EFA Board, Uwe Striegler, opened the conference. Convinced of a common future for biomass, he handed over to Mrs Claudia Schön from the TFZ in Straubing. She gave a presentation on the measurement of real emissions from eleven local space heaters.

This was followed by Christian Droll’s presentation on the challenges for the industry posed by the new EN 16510 standard, which included an update on the current status of the new standard and the transition period with the existing standards, experiences and feedback on the new test procedure and the test reports from the test laboratories. Finally, he gave a forecast on the new Construction Products Regulation and the associated AV systems, in particular the new System 3+. We will go into more detail on these topics in the next News.

Josef Bock, long-standing branch manager of the SHK branch in Schweinfurt, reported on his work for the next generation of artisanal stove construction. Finally, Dr Dominik Wildanger from the Hessian State Office for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology gave his speech. His presentation focussed on the findings of modern measurement methods. The following day was scheduled for the general meeting and discussions. The EFA’s political advisor, Dr Johannes Gerstner, criticised in his presentation that the still pending legislation for stoves – the 1st BImSchV – should have been passed long ago. Finally, the association gave an update on the organisation of the association on behalf of Deputy Chair Ursula Gröbner.

The next two important industry dates for the coming period are 28 November 2024, when the amendment to the 1st BImSchV will be discussed in Leipzig, and the next symposium and general meeting, which will take place on 15 and 16 May 2025, probably in Erfurt.