Environmental Sustainability Information (ESI)

With the publication of standards series EN 16510-2-x:2022 in the Official Journal of the European Union and thus their harmonisation, an environmental sustainability information for fireplaces becomes mandatory as part of the Declaration of Performance. The European Green Deal sets requirements for the construction sector. This Green Deal results in a standardization mandate on “sustainable use of resources” for the European Committee for Standardization. A simplified approach has been developed that allows the creation of type-specific sustainability information based on generic information for main components of the appliances and various lifecycle phases.

The ESI considers the following lifecycle phases:

• Manufacturing phase

• Usage phase

• Disposal phase

• Reuse and recycling potential

The HKI Industry Association, in cooperation with service provider Kiwa, has developed a calculation tool for creating environmental sustainability information for domestic stoves for solid fuels according to the EN 16510-x:2022 standards series. The tool is a simple way to meet the requirement.

According to Annex ZA of the standards series, we, as RRF, are responsible for controlling the existence and completeness of the ESI in the context of creating a test report for a construction product.

For further information regarding the ESI, please feel free to contact us.

The new standard series EN 16510-x:2022

10 years ago, the revision of the old standards for residential solid fuel burning appliances were decided.

Due to administrative barriers and legal requirements for harmonized standards according to the Construction Products Regulation the release has been continually delayed. The new standards should reflect the state of art and replace the following predecessor standards:

New Replaced 
EN 16510-1:2022General requirements and test methodsEN 16510-1:2018 aResidential solid fuel-burning appliances – Part 1: General requirements and test methods
EN 16510-2-1:2022RoomheatersEN 13240:2001Roomheaters fired by solid fuel – Requirements and test methods
EN 16510-2-2:2022Inset appliances including open fireplacesEN 13229:2001Fireplace inserts including open fireplaces fired by solid fuel – Requirements and test methods
EN 16510-2-3:2022CookersEN 12815:2001Cookers fired by solid fuel – Requirements and test methods
EN 16510-2-4:2022Independent boilers for solid fuels – Rated output up to 50 kWEN 12809:2001Boilers fired by solid fuel – Rated output up to 50 kW – Requirements and test methods
EN 16510-2-5:202x bSlow heat release appliances fired by solid fuelEN 15250:2007Storage-fired appliances fired by solid fuel – Requirements and test methods
EN 16510-2-6:2022Mechanically by wood pellets fed roomheaters, inset appliances and cookersEN 14785:2006Roomheaters for pellets firing – Requirements and test methods

a 16510-1:2018 was only used for measurements of PM, OGC, and NOx

b Part 2-5 has not yet been published

In addition to parts 2-1 to 2-6, the part 2-7: “Mechanically by wood pellets fed and wood logs roomheaters, inset appliances and cookers” is being worked on.

The standard series EN 16510-x residential solid fuel burning appliances consists of several parts. Part 1 specifies general requirements for appliances and the applicable test methods. Parts 2 describe device-specific requirements (essential and descriptive features) and define information for the performance declaration according to the European Construction Regulation. All Parts 2 are to be applied in connection with Part 1. Annex A (test methods) of Parts 2 must always be considered.

New requirements haven been established. It is now required to measure the emissions of the appliances and to determine the seasonal space heating energy efficiency as well as energy efficiency class. In addition, the emission limits for PM, NOx, OGC and CO have been adapted to the requirements of the Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 1185/2015. The emission limits for the seasonal space heating energy efficiency per type of appliance have also been adapted to the requirements of the Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 1185/2015. In the course of the safety test, additional distances compared to the predecessor standards must be measured. A risk assessment must be carried out for certain devices.

In emission tests for fireplaces fired by wood logs, three cycles must be considered for calculating the average emission, two of them must be consecutive. For all other fuels, two consecutive cycles must be considered to calculate the average emission in the course of the emission test.

To determine the efficiency of fireplaces fired by wood logs, three cycles must be considered for calculating the average, two of them must be consecutive. For all other fuels, two consecutive cycles must be considered for calculating the average in the course of efficiency tests.

With the harmonization of the standards series, the EN-PME method according to Annex F of EN 16510-1:2022 becomes mandatory for type testing. Furthermore, the content and requirements of Annex ZA change significantly, so the Declaration of Performance must be adjusted accordingly.

Use of historical data

The Sector Group SG03/WG2 of designated test laboratories for roomheaters for solid fuels discussed the application of the new standards and further use of test results from previous tests (historical data). This was presented using EN 13240 and EN 16510-2-1. A common position shall be published as an approved guide by GNB-CPR. The development of separate documents as position papers of SG03/WG2 for the use of historical data for other parts such as EN 14785 and EN 16510-2-6 will follow later.

The final evaluation of whether historical data from an existing type test report can be adopted will be made individually by the notified bodies. After approval of the guideline, we will publish details on the evaluation and use of historical data.

Due to the high demand and the high administrative effort, we recommend conducting new tests now and reviewing your test reports early.

Tests of emission reduction devices

Especially with environmental labels such as the “Blue Angel for stoves”, particulate matter precipitators and reduction devices are becoming more and more important. The RRF has been involved in this area for many years and has established itself as one of the leading laboratories. We are therefore a reliable partner at your side in this area as well. We can test your particulate matter precipitators according to DIN SPEC 33999 as well as the preliminary test program for particulate matter precipitators of the DIBt.

Based on our experience Mr. Dennis Droll has been appointed int to the ad-hoc group particulate matter precipitators and thus actively participates in the creation of future standards. In the ad-hoc group, the DIN SPEC 33999 is to be adapted in such a way that testing with particulate matter precipitators can be more appliable to small combustion systems. In addition to the ad-hoc group, we work with our technical head Mr. Sven Müller in the TC 166 for exhaust systems.

In the area of the Landesbauordnung (LBO) we have been your reliable partner as a testing, monitoring and certification body since the nineties and are also allowed to perform the corresponding tests, the monitoring and certification for particulate matter precipitators and reduction devices.

If you are interested in a test using one of the two test methods mentioned above, please do not hesitate to talk to us in person. We can offer you the right solution for your product.

2023 – Our view of the new year

The RRF wishes all customers, delivers and our partners a happy new year. In the following we want to give you a look into our year 2023.

At our firm place in Oberhausen, we are looking forward to work with our new employees. They will enhance our already existing strong team and we look positively forward to their future development within our company.

An audit from the accreditation authority awaits us in February. In addition to the re-accreditation of the test laboratory, the focus is on expanding the certification body for exhaust systems and chimneys.

In addition to the traditional ISH fair, we will be part of the newly founded “World of Fireplaces” fair in Leipzig. We are excited to meet you there in person! Our stand is D57. We would be happy to meet you at your own booth or on the fairground. You can of course contact us at any time in the run-up to the trade fair or during the trade fair period to arrange a fixed appointment.

We continue to watch the development of the EN 16510 with interest. We have set course, both technically and administratively, to be successfully prepared for the challenges coming ahead. Even with the doubt of many, we are looking forward to a positive future. We are convinced that with you together we can overcome the obstacles in the implementation.

We will make further investments this year as well, which will form another cornerstone for our high standards. Looking back, we are very satisfied with the investments from the previous year and the future-oriented orientation of our company. This includes measurement data acquisition systems, scales, electric work platforms, software and hardware for both locations.

We as the RRF, are excited on what the coming year has for us and wish everyone a healthy and successful year 2023.

EFA – Future workshop in Leipzig for energy efficiency and emission reduction

Vom 17. bis 18. November 2022 lud die Europäische Feuerstätten Arbeitsgemeinschaft (EFA) und das Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) zum gemeinsamen Zukunftsworkshop in Leipzig ein, um die zwei zentralen Herausforderungen der Branche, Energieeffizienz und Emissionsminderung, anzugehen. Vertreten wurde die RRF durch Christian Droll als Mitglied des EFA-Vorstands. Weiter nahmen nicht nur Mitglieder der EFA, sondern auch Vertreter der Forschung verschiedener Hochschulen und Einrichtungen, Prüfinstitute, Schornsteinfeger, Handwerksunternehmen, Verbände und das Umweltbundesamt teil. Das Ziel war es gemeinsam eine konkrete Strategie zu entwickeln, die die Ofenbranche mit den Produkten aus Industrie und Handwerk als festen Bestandteil in der Energiewende verankert.

Vorbereitet wurden die Teilnehmer in zwei fachlich ausgezeichneten wissenschaftlichen Keynotes. Vinzent Egenolf von der Universität Kassel begann mit einer Informierung über die Holznutzung und ihre Pfade sowohl national als auch global. Die wichtigste Erkenntnis aus seinem Beitrag ist, dass Deutschland noch sehr weit von einer Holzknappheit entfernt ist, aber in Zukunft trotzdem ein rationaler und deutlich reduzierter Einsatz von Holz dringend notwendig sein wird. Ebenfalls sind Wälder nicht automatisch CO2-Senken. Je nach äußerlichen Bedingungen und Lage können sowohl nicht-bewirtschaftete als auch bewirtschaftete Wälder zu unerwünschten CO2-Quellen werden. Als Beispiel sind äquatornahe Wälder eher dazu in der Lage CO2 bei hohen Temperaturen zu absorbieren, während Wälder in höheren Breiten eher CO2 abgeben bei erhöhter Temperatur. Demnach ist eine nachhaltige und kontrollierte wirtschaftliche Holznutzung für stoffliche und energetische Zwecke aus ökologischer Sicht notwendig.

Prof. Dr. Heinz Kohler von der Hochschule Karlsruhe informierte in seinem Vortrag über die Notwendigkeit der Emissionssenkung, als auch über die große Wirksamkeit von sensorgestützten Verbrennungsluftregelungen. Umfangreiche Untersuchungen im Labor und Feld zeigten, dass bereits vorhandene und markreife Technologien in der Lage sind, Luftschadstoffe, wie Staub wesentlich zu senken. Herausfordernd wird es sein, eine wirksame Kombination und Preisgestaltung zu schaffen. Einig war man sich, dass eine größere Marktdurchdringung gleichzeitig eine massive Senkung des Einkaufspreises der Komponenten bedeuten wird.

In fünf Gruppen wurde unter Moderation von Prof. Dr. Hartmann, DBFZ, und Dr. Johannes R. Gerstner, EFA sowie Christian Droll als Gruppenleiter, nach der Controlling-Methode des „Strategy House“ das Thema Ofenzukunft weitergedacht. Mit dem Wissen und Resultate der drei vergangenen Zukunftsworkshops wurden nun konkrete Handlungsfelder zu denen „Energieeffizienz“, „Emissionsreduktion“, „Ofenmehrwerte“ und „Innovation“ gehören, identifiziert. Die dazu notwendigen Verantwortlichen wurden ausgemacht. Neben Industrie und Handwerk soll nun in Zukunft auch Verwaltung, Landes- und Bundesministerien sowie Verbände in die Pflicht genommen werden.

Dr. Johannes Gerstner wies darauf hin, dass erst ein deutliches Signal der Politik dazu führen wird, dass Unternehmen investieren können. Die Rechtssicherheit mache die Sache erst Interessant für Unternehmen sich finanziell auf neue Produkte einzulassen. Dazu forderte er das Umweltbundesamt dazu auf, sich klar zu Holz als fester Bestandteil der Energiewende zu bekennen und ihnen dabei keine Steine in den Weg zu legen. So könne in einem konstruktiven Miteinander die notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen für eine ökologische Zukunft geschaffen werden, die es braucht, damit die Industrie ihren gewillten Beitrag dazu leisten kann. Herr Professor Dr. Hartmann bekräftigte noch einmal gegenüber allen Workshop-Teilnehmern, dass die Technologien, um die Ziele zu erreichen, schon bereits vorhanden sind und es jetzt an der Zeit ist, diese auch zu nutzen. Unterstützung, um diese Ziele zu erreichen haben alle bereits anwesenden Branchenvertreter versichert. Die Ergebnisse des Workshops werden nun sorgfältig ausgearbeitet und dokumentiert.

Die nächste EFA-Sitzung findet vom 27. bis 28. April 2023 in Würzburg statt und wird über den aktuellen Stand berichten.

World of Fireplaces 2023 (WOF2023)

New trade fair in Leipzig all about fireplaces!

From April 17th to 19th, the newly founded “World of Fireplaces” fair will take place in the Leipziger Messe. We from the RRF are of course also represented there and are available to you at our stand D57 in hall 5 at the fair.

The newly scheduled trade fair for fireplaces and a feel-good ambience is to become a business platform that focuses on European manufacturers of fireplaces such as fireplaces, pellet stoves and tiled stoves, heating fireplaces and decorative fireplaces, suppliers and service providers. The trade fair is organized by the independent trade fair organizer trendfairs GmbH. These focus explicitly on demanding industry events and special trade fairs. All groups, industry associations and industry players should see themselves as an important part of the new trade fair and get actively involved. This is the only way to ensure that all important topics in the industry are given attention.

There will also be a “special show” on the subject of “hybrid heat” at the fair. There they ask themselves the question that is currently on everyone’s mind, “How do we achieve the energy transition?”. The project is intended to be a platform to create a space for discussion between providers and visitors, to promote cooperation among each other and to present possible solutions to the decision-making politicians. There is also an expert hub for knowledge transfer and special services for trade fair guests.

The fair will be accompanied by a virtual edition, live streams with chats and lectures. Innovations and news on the live days of the trade fair will also be reported there.

Admission to the trade fair and the expert hub is free for all trade visitors.

We would like to invite you to visit us at our booth D57 at the fair and look forward to everyone who comes to visit us!

Your RRF-Team

Click on the banner below to be redirected to the WOF home page

EFA – The woodstove branch meets together with the RRF to exchange and look into the future in Salzburg

From 13.10. to 14.10.2022 the autumn conference was held in Salzburg, Austria by the European Fireplaces Association (EFA).

The RRF was represented by Mr. Christian Droll. As a member of the board of the EFA he took part of the earlier board-meeting at 12th of October.

At this symposium the current challenges were targeted. The EFA CEO Mr. Uwe Striegler opened the fully occupied conference. This time not only members participated, representatives of other associations, companies and research facilities.

Thomas Schnabel (HKI) began with the presentation of innovative heat combinations, within not only the HKI sees a sensible input to the energy shift in Germany. About the “draining condition” §19 der Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung BImSchV informed Markus Schlichter from the ZIV. He showed us in his presentation that the impact is not as bad as expected. But there is still room to improve for some. He again said that only with the concentrated cooperation of the associations something much worse could be prevented. After that Dr. Volker Schmatloch form the company Spartherm informed everyone about the Eco-Design Regulation EN16510. He drew attention to the fact that politics and technical expertise must go hand in hand here so that the industries can prepare for this.

Prof. Dr. Ingo Hartmann from DBFZ told us about the project UVV. Research is being done here to sensors and clean combustion. He pointed out that only innovations will add an important input to the heating market. But also, it will take a supporting role. After that he invited everyone to the industry summit at 17th of November till 18th of November at the DBFZ in Leipzig. On this day a strategy offer is made from past workshops on the industry, politics and environmental organizations. The RRF will also attend at this appointment.

In closing a donation check over 5.500 € was handed to the association “Die Ofenmacher e.V.”. Their project is to support the building of new clay oven in Nepal and Africa so that the people who live there will be protected from the danger of cooking at an open fireplace. We from the RRF plan to donate to them in the future as well.

Friday, October 14th the general meeting took place at which internal topics were discussed. The Association’s year was prepared and the most important topics of the year were pointed out.

Two new faces at our location in Oberhausen

Since summer 2022 two new faces are bringing some fresh air into the company!

Since July 1st Mr. Mario Fieberg is with our company. He learned at a German mining company which fits perfectly with our history. With his competence he is bringing, he will reinforce our team of technicians. We are excited to have him with us and are looking forward to having him long-term.

Also, we’d like to welcome our new trainee. Since the 1st of August we will accompany Mr. Stefan Orwat for the next three years with his traineeship as an office management assistant. We wish him a successful and wonderful time during his apprenticeship with us!

The RRF is reforesting 100 trees!

We are on the way to make our company greener by renovations to the buildings, LED lighting, photovoltaic systems, and solar thermal systems in the past few years. Since the usage of biomass is an important part of our daily work, we would like to take responsibility for sustainable actions in this area as well. Our target is to reforest at least as much wood as is used in our company.

Since many forest areas were destroyed by the drought of recent years and the bark beetle infestation, we took this problem as an opportunity to get actively involved. Together with our families and friends, we have planted 100 seedlings, including protection against damage by game, in the woods at our laboratory in Drolshagen.

We would like to thank all employees, their families and our direct neighbour, D-Garage Drolshagen for their active help and a great autumn festival!

RRF tests the new certification program of the HKI

In cooperation with the certification body of the TÜV Süd, the HKI has published a new certification program for fireplaces in accordance with EN 13229, 13240 and 15250. Manufacturers of efficient and low-emission stoves and other fireplaces can now have this certified. As an approved laboratory, the RRF also performs tests in accordance with this certification program.

The basics for the certification of your fireplace are as follows:

  1. You submit the certification application (application for certification of local space heaters for wood logs) to the certification body. We are happy to help you with the application.
  2. If your application and application documents have been checked completely and positively, you will receive a draft of the certification contract from the certification body.
  3. After the certification contract has been concluded, the certificate for the use of the certification mark is issued based on our type test and the test report.
  4. To maintain the certification, manufacturers must have a regular (at least once a year) product-related control test – usually in the manufacturers works. This ensures that the fireplaces manufactured in ongoing production correspond to the certified prototype. Since we are a recognized monitoring body, we can register our auditors with the certification body accordingly to your wishes.
  5. The validity of the certification depends on the testing and certification regulations of the certification body. Should the state of the art and / or the legal regulations change, the certification program may adapt.

We would like to assist you as your partner in testing, certification and monitoring of your fireplace and please do not hesitate to contact us for questions about the topic, to make appointments or to select a suitable auditor.