Foto Sven Müller und Dr. Jürgen Rosenfeld

Diplom-Ingenieur Sven Müller is leader of testing, monitoring and certification body

Our head of testing laboratory Mr. Sven Müller now is also head of testing, monitoring and certification body according to LBO authorized by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik. In this context on 1st of January 2015 he is assigned to an expert witness in the committee of DIBt. The first meeting of the committee was on 24th of March 2015, where our former head of testing laboratory and deputy of the expert witness committee Mr. Jürgen Rosenfeld has been retired.

Therefore Jürgen Rosenfeld completely retired out of our company. He was 22 years head of testing laboratory and worked for 34 years in our company. His specialized competence has been held in great esteem by colleagues and customers. As well we will miss him humanly and as a colleague.

We will thank him for many years of engagement and wish him all the best for his future!

EFA – Würzburg

Important information about fireplaces for ethanol fuel and decorative oil lamps

Fireplaces for ethanol prospectively have to pass a test according to DIN 4734-1. As we expect more test orders, we increased our testing capacities.


Since January 2003 decorative oil lamps are subjected to a mandatory testing according to DIN EN 14059. The manufacturer, who places the fireplace on the market, is obliged to have the test carried out. Our testing capacities were also increased for this test.


For more information or a detailed offer to both tests we are available at all times.

ISH 2015

We are on the ISH fair in Frankfurt/Main from 10th until 12th of March 2015. If you would like to meet us we will visit you on your exhibition stand or arrange an appointment with you.

Please contact us by phone (+49(0) 208 60 70 41 – 11) or by e-mail ( for date Arrangement.

New Danish regulation for fireplaces entered into force on 22.01.2015

On 22.01.2015 the new Danish regulation for fireplaces “regulering af luftforurening fra fyringsanlæg til fast brændsel under 1 MW” entered into force. It contains new limit values for fireplaces with and without boiler, which will be valid from 26.07.2015:



5 g/kg (10 g/kg) according to NS 3058-1 and NS 3058-2 (Norwegian method)

or  40 mg/m³ according to DINplus method

OGC:                150 mg/m³


2 years after entry into force the limit values for above mentioned fireplaces will be tightened:


4 g/kg (8 g/kg) according to NS 3058-1 and NS 3058-2 (Norwegian method)

or  30 mg/m³ according to DINplus method

OGC:                120 mg/m³



Link:  (Bilag 1)


Grænseværdier / emissionskrav for rumopvarmere

Rumopvarmere med og uden vandtank skal opfylde grænseværdierne for støv og OGC, dog kun ved en af prøvningsmetoderne for støv:

Stof Grænseværdi Måleprincip Prøvningsmetode
Støv 5 g/kg, og en maksimal emission på 10 g/kg i de enkelte prøvningsintervaller Fortyndingstunnel NS 3058-1 og NS 3058-2 (udregnet efter NS 3059, klasse 1 eller 2, afhængig af fyringsanlæggets størrelse) eller en tilsvarende standard for måling af partikelemission fra rumopvarmere, anerkendt i EU, EFTA-lande eller Tyrkiet.
40 mg/normal m3 ved 13 % O2 Direkte i røggaskanalen Relevant harmoniseret produktstandard, eller hvis ikke denne indeholder beskrivelse af emissionsmålemetoder, så CEN/TS15883, Annex A. 1 (Apparater til fast brændsel til husholdningsbrug – Metoder til emissionsprøvning), eller tilsvarende standard for måling af partikelemissioner fra rumopvarmere, anerkendt i EU, EFTA-lande eller Tyrkiet.
OGC 150 mg C/normal m3 ved 13 % O2 Direkte i røggaskanalen Relevant harmoniseret produktstandard, eller hvis ikke denne indeholder beskrivelse af emissionsmålemetoder, så CEN/TS15883, Kapitel 4 (Apparater til fast brændsel til husholdningsbrug – Metoder til emissionsprøvning), eller tilsvarende standard for måling af OGC emission fra rumopvarmere, anerkendt i EU, EFTA-lande eller Tyrkiet.

Fra d. (= 2 år efter ikrafttrædelsesdatoen) skal rumopvarmere med og uden vandtank opfylde emissionskravene for støv og OGC, dog kun ved en af prøvningsmetoder for støv:

Stof Grænseværdi Måleprincip Prøvningsmetode
Støv 4 g/kg, og en maksimal emission på 8 g/kg i de enkelte prøvningsintervaller Fortyndingstunnel NS 3058-1 og NS 3058-2 (udregnet efter NS 3059, klasse 1 eller 2, afhængig af fyringsanlæggets størrelse) eller en tilsvarende standard for måling af partikelemission fra rumopvarmere, anerkendt i EU, EFTA-lande eller Tyrkiet.
30 mg/normal m3 ved 13 % O2 Direkte i røggaskanalen Relevant harmoniseret produktstandard, eller hvis ikke denne indeholder beskrivelse af emissionsmålemetoder, så CEN/TS15883, Annex A. 1 (Apparater til fast brændsel til husholdningsbrug – Metoder til emissionsprøvning), eller tilsvarende standard for måling af partikelemissioner fra rumopvarmere, anerkendt i EU, EFTA-lande eller Tyrkiet.
OGC 120 mg C/normal m3 ved 13 % O2 Direkte i røggaskanalen Relevant harmoniseret produktstandard, eller hvis ikke denne indeholder beskrivelse af emissionsmålemetoder, så CEN/TS15883, Kapitel 4 (Apparater til fast brændsel til husholdningsbrug – Metoder til emissionsprøvning), eller tilsvarende standard for måling af OGC emission fra rumopvarmere, anerkendt i EU, EFTA-lande eller Tyrkiet.

Test according to 97/23/EG guideline of pressure equipment, art.3, paragraph 2.3, module B

Every building product, which belongs to the guideline of pressure equipment (formula: pressure * volume > 50 bar liter) has to be tested according to 97/23/EG guideline of pressure equipment, art.3, paragraph 2.3, module B. The compliance for criteria of testing is increasingly controlled by the market authority of the countries Switzerland and Germany.


If you need further information or a detailed offer, please do not hesitate to contact us.

EFA – autumnal event in Salzburg

Twice a year the members of EFA find together to a general meeting. This year the autumnal event took place in Salzburg. The participants looked forward for an interesting program.

Speakers at the first day were:

  • Johannes Kaindlstorfer, representative for „Allianz Freie Wärme“ (Lecture: Dangers and chances of individual heating)
  • Johannes Steiglechner of TÜV Süd (Lecture: EU Nr. 305/2011, hamonized standards as well as notified testing laboratories in the context to fireplaces in Europe)
  • Thomas Sommeregger of agency New Media Solutions GmbH (Lecture: The digital consumer, his status quo and trends of the industry in online-marketing)

The main topic of the second day was the general meeting:

  • Welcome the new member of EFA e. V. – Dracholin GmbH from Metzingen
  • Discussion of usual agenda
  • diverse reports about European guidelines and standards
    • for example CEO Dr. Heinrich Göddeke (Lecture: latest stand to standards TC 295 of roomsealed fireplaces, LOT 15 and 20, EU Nr. 305/2011, hight of chimneys above the roof)


The next general meeting is spring 2015 in wider area of Würzburg on March of 18 and 19.

New technician at testing laboratory in Oberhausen

Since 01.11.2014 we are pleased to inform you that we have one new staff member in our testing laboratory in Oberhausen. Mr. Thomas Teuwsen is going to support us in test engineering. This will open up more capacity and faster procedure of testing as well as more capable service to you.

Mr. Teuwsen extends our team as master of electrical engineering and as of now he is gladly available as a new contact.

New trainee for the project „comparing measurements of methods for particle measurements”

We are pleased to welcome Mr. Kevin Schulte in our team of the RRF. He is studying machine engineering at the University of Siegen. Mr. Kevin Schulte is joining our project “comparing measurements of methods for particle measurements” starting 13 October 2014.

RRF Betriebsstätte Drolshagen

New phone number in our branch office Drolshagen


Dear Sir or Madam,

we would like to point out that our telephone and fax number change at our branch office Drolshagen.

Phone +49 2761 977 94 84
Fax       +49 2761 977 91 02

The contacts of our head office Oberhausen persist.

Phone +49 208 60 70 41 – 0
Fax      +49 208 60 70 41 – 28